Reception PE - MOVE with Zip Active

The Brief:
Through my work with reception staff I was regularly asked for suitable resources to support PE in reception classes. Teachers were keen to provide fun and purposeful lessons where they could support the children to become more proficient movers and love physical activity. They wanted help with activities, knowing what progression looked like and how PE could support key areas of EYFS.

What I did:
Using 6 popular themes, space, underwater, farms, transport, woodland and yoga I created a comprehensive fun resource supporting children in reception classes to develop fundamental movement skills, enjoy physical activity, and to promote a healthy lifestyle, while supporting their communication and language development. The resource is suitable for both physical education lessons and throughout the day.

It includes large themed colourful posters to help to generate conversations with children, provide context, link to themes or topics and are designed to help with:

  • Phonological (sound) awareness, including identifying and using parts of language, words, syllables, and rhymes.
  • Use of vocabulary.
  • Expressive language, using language in an accurate and coherent manner.
  • Comprehension or receptive language, understanding of complex language forms.

There are 64 theme related activity cards with loads of fun physical activity ideas to support the fundamental movement skills of agility, balance and coordination, yoga and mindfulness, fine and gross motor skills, with movement teaching points, vocabulary and sound prompts all linked to the poster theme.

There is also a set of Chatter Cards to further support communication, language and understanding, along with a reward sticker template, certificate of participation and take-home ideas.

Training is also available, covering the impact of the movement on child development through the early years, ways to support communication and language though physical play and maximising learning in reception PE to provide smooth transition to Year 1.


“This is an exciting new resource which helps us to deliver high quality PE lessons in reception helping children move more fluently, make great progress and they love every minute of it.”
Reception Teacher

Find out more about MOVE with Zip Active >


MOVE With Zip Active

MOVE With Zip Active

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Early Years

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  • M&C Saatchi
  • IAAF World Championships
  • British Heart Foundation
  • British Cycling
  • Derby SSP
  • EdComs
  • The Great Run Company
  • GRFF
  • Inspire
  • Leeds Active Schools
  • Leeds Healthy School
  • Leeds School Wellbeing
  • Move With Zip Active
  • National Centre For Sport & Exercise Medicine
  • Pobble
  • Premier League Primary Stars
  • Schools Go Smarter
  • Starting Blocks
  • Youth Sport Trust
  • YFA
  • BHF National Centre
  • Change 4 Life
  • Barnardos
  • Youth Sport Direct
  • Playdale
  • Derbyshire Sport